
Initial Research Pathway (Apple Vision Pro)

  Initial Research Pathway: Description of Apple Vision Pro The team have decided to research on Apple Vision Pro  Nicholas has decided to use genAI (ChatGPT) to research on key features and functions. Our prompt was "Features and functions of the Apple Vision Pro.”  The team conducted further research into Apple Vision Pro through Google search engine. The team read up on peer-reviewed articles using Google Scholar, OneSearch to look out for different devices available and different uses. The team obtained key specifications and product on the official Apple website The team researched on its advantages and disadvantages about Apple Vision Pro  The team decided to look for reviews using Youtube, Reddit, Forbes, Techradar and IGN to get information on the user’s experience  The team then compiled their findings and wrote the summary.

Self Introduction Letter

Dear Professor Blackstone, I’m Nicholas, and I’m writing this letter as a self-introduction. I graduated from Mechanical Engineering at Singapore Polytechnic and before that, I attained a NITEC in Mechanical Technology from ITE College West where my engineering journey started. I took an interest in the engineering field as I've always had an interest in creating things, from building guns out of Legos to building an elevator in the video game Minecraft when I was a young boy. This naturally led me to pursue engineering where I can learn about engineering theories to apply my passion for creativity to solving real-world problems.  One of my communication strengths is the ability to provide reassurance to people. I only realized this much later in my life when I was an instructor at Officer Cadet School and feedback was given by my cadets that this was one of my strengths. There were instances where my cadets wanted to fall out due to fatigue from training as their afraid that they

Quote intepretation

  "Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can't get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn't even matter."   - Gilbert Amelio, former President and CEO of National Semiconductor Corp. Fadlan and I believes that this quote talks about the importance of being able to deliver a message across clearly especially when in a leadership position. A leader needs his team in order to succeed and overcome whatever challenges the team faces, if the leader is unable to communicate effectively the intent to his subordinates, then there might be avoidable complications within the team further down the line.