Self Introduction Letter

Dear Professor Blackstone,

I’m Nicholas, and I’m writing this letter as a self-introduction. I graduated from Mechanical Engineering at Singapore Polytechnic and before that, I attained a NITEC in Mechanical Technology from ITE College West where my engineering journey started. I took an interest in the engineering field as I've always had an interest in creating things, from building guns out of Legos to building an elevator in the video game Minecraft when I was a young boy. This naturally led me to pursue engineering where I can learn about engineering theories to apply my passion for creativity to solving real-world problems. 

One of my communication strengths is the ability to provide reassurance to people. I only realized this much later in my life when I was an instructor at Officer Cadet School and feedback was given by my cadets that this was one of my strengths. There were instances where my cadets wanted to fall out due to fatigue from training as their afraid that they might faint or injure themselves. However, I always reassure them to trust the training process as well as the safety measures that the instructors have established. 

One of my main communication weaknesses is the inability to articulate my thoughts. Finding words from my vocabulary bank to form sentences in order to express my ideas or perspective has been a huge issue for me especially when talking in person as I don't have as much time to think about what I want to say. 

One of my goals for this module is to improve my ability to articulate my thoughts clearly and effectively.  As a career soldier, I believe that it is important to be able to put your thoughts into words, especially in high-pressured and time-sensitive situations to have control of your subordinates. Secondly, I'd like to be a better writer by reviewing whatever I have written with tools like the 7C's of Communication, Paul-Elder's Framework and whatever tools this module offers in the coming weeks. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this email and I hope it finds you well. 


Nicholas Ee


  1. Hi Nicholas, Jiayous on the education climb its no easy feat but you having made it so far!, loved that you totally went against LEGOs instructions and experimented with "guns" hopefully they don't fire hahaha also minecraft a game that played a huge part in our generations creative development. In addition your letter was clear and I feel like I know you better now, looking forward to working with you soon!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to working with you as well!

  2. It's amazing that you would create lego guns and contraptions in mincraft because I also did the same when I was younger which also lead me to be exposed to Engineering. I like how you link your strengths with your NS experiences and look to also improve on them to be a better leader for your men, really inspiring. In any case, I do wish you all the best in your future endeavours and pick back up and continue to building a armoury of "weapons" too.

    1. Thanks for the comment Fadlan! I too hope to get back into making some Lego guns in future to bring back some childhood memories.

  3. Hi Nicholas, it's interesting to know about your interest when you were young and how it led you to the engineering path. It is clear and concise. I believe that you can definitely overcome your weakness through this module.

    1. However, I have noticed an error regarding the language use. For example, “my cadets wanted to fall out due to fatigue from training as their afraid” should be corrected to “my cadets wanted to fall out due to fatigue from training because they were afraid.”

    2. Thanks for the comment Yuan Xu, I agree with your updated statement. Good lookout.

  4. Hey Nicholas, by reading your letter, it feels like I've known you for years! It was so well-written and engaging. I almost came from the same path as you, and I definitely know how it feels to start in engineering with a passion for building things. I admire how you connected your past experiences as an instructor at Officer Cadet School to your communication strength of providing reassurance. That's a valuable skill, especially in leadership roles. I'm sure that with your drive, you'll refine your communication and grow into an even stronger leader. Looking forward to work with you!

    1. Thanks for the feedback Farhan! I too look forward to working with you.

  5. Hello Nicholas !! Your email provides a clear and thoughtful introduction. You’ve done an excellent job of sharing your personal journey into engineering, making your passion evident through your experiences. I particularly appreciate how you’ve reflected on your communication strengths and weaknesses, as well as your goals for this module. It’s great to see that you are linking these goals to your career and professional growth, which adds depth to your message. Overall, it’s a strong and reflective introduction that gives a good sense of who you are and what you aim to achieve.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Unaisah, looking forward to be on this journey with you.


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